Toastmasters Europe - Las Palmeras Speakers Club       
Las Palmeras Speakers Club
Toastmasters Europe 
Public url for this Club

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District 59 Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Monaco

District 95 Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden

District 107 Spain, Portugal, Morocco

District 108 Estonia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia

District 109 Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lichtenstein, FYR Macedonia, San Marino, Switzerland and Vatican City

District 110 Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Rep. of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine

District U Undistricted Clubs in Europe

Our Blog  (Las Palmeras Speakers Club) 
Póngale un mentor a su carrera

In Spanish interesting article about mentoring.

Póngale un mentor a su carrera

La disciplina del ‘mentoring’ gana presencia en las grandes empresas

"Tus ojos pueden engañarte; no confíes en ellos", le dice Obi-Wan Kenobi a Luke Skywalker. Es uno de los consejos que el mentor más famoso de la historia del cine le regala a su mentorizado o mentee, el joven aprendiz de jedi, en la película que inaugura la saga Star Wars

LABELS:  MENTOR,&sid=f9ea3ed30148d358542d9a8458655872
Posted: Las Palmeras Speakers Club, 26 Nov 15, 01:27 by Juan Pablo Bastida    Comments:

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